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 About the artist

"I possess a varied interdisciplinary body of work based on individuality within today’s connected society. I consider myself as an Impressionist Painter and Illustrator, largely using my practice to critique my personal thoughts on my fascination with Humanity, Psychology, and the role of the Individual within crafted society. My field of study is centred on the psyche, I work so as to better understand the way in which the mind craft it’s own limitations and freedoms. Whatever I communicate within my art practices is an open conversation and is actively designed to be received as such, often choosing to exhibit in ways that pull in the viewer’s attention and encourage a pause, a look around, and private reflection. I work from a perspective that is neither shaming or praising, simply observant and honest, as a result, my audience is universal. 

In recent years I have aligned myself with the philosophy of Humanism and now identify as a Humanist artist. Humanism is the belief that reason, moral equality, and autonomy are foundations of human existence, and are the only appropriate instruments for discovering the truth and structuring the human community. Everybody has their own unique scope on the surrounding world, and mine combines my imagination and my reality. This process often prompts depictions of the human figure set in vibrant landscapes full of light and colour, or those of line and structure. Influenced by the living world, I often choose to depict scenes from my daily life. "

"Let's work together"

Amazing! Thanks so much for the message; i'll get back to you shortly - Jess

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